2,023,638 people have helped raise more than $5,785,345 for 274 projects

Projects in Nepal

Solukhumbu Women’s Health Project RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal The Solukhumbu Women’s Health Project (SWHP) aims to improve women’s health across the Solukhumbu district of Nepal including access to women’s reproductive and sexual health services.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,006

Raised from 4,812 people

Providing access to quality education in Nepal RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal Teacher Training and Quality Inclusive Education(TTQIE)focuses on training teachers in the remote Solukhumbu district of Nepal with the goal of ensuring that children have better opportunities in life through an inclusive and quality education.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 15,014

Raised from 2,284 people

Improve teacher training and education in Nepal RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal This project will focus on training teachers in the remote Solukhumbu district of Nepal with the goal to ensure that children have better opportunities in life through an inclusive, high quality education.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 20,002

Raised from 5,960 people

Support teacher training and education in Nepal RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal This project focuses on training teachers in the remote Solukhumbu district of Nepal, helping ensure that children have better opportunities in life through an inclusive, high-quality education.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 15,004

Raised from 4,525 people

Improve teacher training and education in Nepal RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal This project will focus on training teachers in the remote Solukhumbu district of Nepal, with the goal of ensuring children have better opportunities in life through an inclusive, high quality education.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 15,040

Raised from 4,442 people

Support Teacher Training and Quality Education in Nepal RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal This project will train teachers in the remote Solukhumbu district of Nepal with the goal to ensure that children have better opportunities in life through an inclusive, high quality education.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,003

Raised from 9,446 people

Clean Up Trekking Trash in Nepal RUN BY: Adventure Travel Conservation Fund

Nepal This project will reduce trash and litter generated by trekkers along the major trails of the Everest region through constructing waste collection bins to help keep trails, forests, fields and waterways clean.

This project is 100% Funded



USD 29,005

Raised from 12,653 people

Provide Teacher Training and Quality Education in Nepal RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal This project focuses on training teachers in the remote Solukhumbu district of Nepal, with the goal of ensuring that children have better opportunities in life through an inclusive, high-quality education.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,008

Raised from 9,801 people

Improve education in Nepal RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal This project supports vocational training for women and girls with a focus on income generation and supporting livelihoods in local communities. It empowers disadvantaged women to create their own businesses and manage their finances.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,006

Raised from 9,928 people

Teacher Training and Quality Education Program, Nepal Himalaya RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal This project is a part of an ongoing Teacher Training & Quality Education program, which operates in one of the poorest regions of rural Nepal, the Lower Solu Khumbu, and helps to ensure that all children have access to a primary education.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 25,005

Raised from 8,407 people

Rebuilding Schools, Nepal Earthquake Recovery Project RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal The second round of this project aims to continue repairing and rebuilding schools in the Lower Solukhumbu or Everest region after the two devastating earthquakes that hit Nepal on the 25th of April and the 12th of May 2015.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 40,002

Raised from 11,863 people

Rebuilding Schools, Nepal Earthquake Recovery RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal This project aims to repair and rebuild schools in the Lower Solukhumbu or Everest region after the two devastating earthquakes that hit Nepal on the 25th April and the 12th May this year.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 40,008

Raised from 13,254 people

Teacher Training and Quality Education Program, Nepal Himalaya RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal The Teacher Training and Quality Education program operates in one of the poorest regions of rural Nepal, the Lower Solu Khumbu, and helps to ensure that all children have access to a primary education.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 20,003

Raised from 7,600 people

Teacher Training & Quality Education Program, Nepal Himalaya RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal The Teacher Training and Quality Education program operates in one of the poorest regions of rural Nepal, the Lower Solu Khumbu, and helps to ensure that all children have access to a primary education.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,008

Raised from 19,357 people

Geta Eye Hospital, regional Nepal RUN BY: The Fred Hollows Foundation

Nepal This project aims to strengthen the local district Geta Eye Hospital’s (GEH) ability to provide quality, affordable eye health services with a focus on poor and marginalized groups in Kailali, Dadeldhura, Baitadi districts in remote Western Nepal

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,010

Raised from 7,277 people

Teacher training & quality education, Himalaya RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal Teacher Training workshops that ensure the provision of child friendly education to primary schools in remote Lower Solu Khumb to increase attendance and retention to High school, and girls enrollment rates

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 25,003

Raised from 10,012 people

Improving kids' education, Himalaya RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal Ensure that all children in Nele and Sotang, some of the poorest regions of rural Nepal, have access to a quality primary education through Teacher Training and creation of child-centred teaching processes.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,001

Raised from 17,248 people

Educational Resources, Nepal Himalaya RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal An innovative grassroots program to break poverty cycle through education. Help to ensure a regular supply of the basics - pens, paper, writing books and textbooks (computers are unheard of) to the 11,900 children attending school in the impoverished Sotang district.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 22,002

Raised from 11,834 people

Quality Education Program, Himalaya RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal The Quality Education program in Nele and Sotang, some of the poorest regions of rural Nepal, will help to ensure that all children have access to primary education. This project builds on 4 years of grass roots educational support in the region.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 33,146

Raised from 14,700 people

Teacher Training Program, Solu Khumbu RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal Training 380 school teachers in the Sotang region of Nepal to help improve the education of over 11,500 students in over 260 schools.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 31,060

Raised from 13,715 people

Outreach Microsurgical Eye Camp, Dhading RUN BY: The Fred Hollows Foundation

Nepal This project will provide funding for basic eye care services in rural and remote areas of Nepal, including day to day services and an Outreach Microsurgical Eye Clinic (OMEC) where hundreds of patients will have access to screening and surgical procedures.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 26,100

Raised from 11,240 people

Teacher Training Program, Solu Khumbu RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal Training a group of 290 teachers that will help to improve the education of over 11,500 students in over 65 schools in the Khumbu region of Nepal in 2009/10.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 39,801

Raised from 17,022 people

Outreach Microsurgical Eye Camp, Sindhu RUN BY: The Fred Hollows Foundation

Nepal This project will fund an Outreach Microsurgical Eye Camp where patients living in remote areas of Sindhu district, Nepal will have access to screening and surgical procedures, plus support for the Sindhu Community Eye Centre.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 24,487

Raised from 10,062 people

Key Teacher Training Program (2009), Himalaya RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal Training a group of 40 key teachers to be teacher trainers to improve the education of more than 12,000 kids in over 130 schools in the Solu Khumbu Himalayan region of Nepal.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 20,541

Raised from 7,723 people

Teacher training and quality education program RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal Training about 190 Nepalis as teachers, greatly improving teaching and education standards, that in turn increase opportunities for more than 4,000 children about 70 schools, and also providing specific mentoring, education quality, and resource assistance to those schools.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 38,500

Raised from 12,715 people

2008 Key Teacher Training Program, Himalaya RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal Training a group of 45 Key teachers to be teacher trainers to improve and lengthening the education of more than 8,000 kids in 120 schools in the Solu Khumbu Himalayan Region.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 19,502

Raised from 7,661 people

Key Teacher Training Program, Himalaya RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal Training 30 Nepali “Key Teachers” to be teacher-trainers and mentors themselves to 300 teachers, to improve teaching and learning levels, improve retention rates and lengthen the education of more than 4,100 kids .

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 14,501

Raised from 5,510 people

Teacher Training Program (Phase 3), Himalaya RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal Training, refresher course, and supervising (throughout the year) of a group of approximately 300 teachers: to greatly improve teaching and learning levels and skills, improve retention rates, and lengthen the education of nearly 4,000 kids in about 70 schools.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 14,100

Raised from 5,419 people

School Sanitation Project, Biratnagar RUN BY: WaterAid Australia

Nepal Provide appropriate sanitation facilities for 1,339 students at Janapatha Secondary School and support hygiene education activities.

This project is 100% Funded



GBP 2,203

Raised from 2,062 people

Orphan health checks, Pokhara RUN BY: Global Hands Charity

Nepal Eye and dental check-ups for 30 orphans at The Destitute Children’s Home (Pokhara, Nepal) plus purchase of a first-aid kit.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 505

Raised from 194 people

Teacher Training Program, Himalaya RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal Training of a group of 160-180 teachers to greatly improve teaching and learning skills, boost retention rates, and expand the education of nearly 4,000 kids in 65 schools across the Solukhumbu Himalaya region, Nepal.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 13,805

Raised from 5,177 people

Key Teacher Training Program, Himalaya RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation

Nepal Training of 20 key teachers a year to become teacher trainers/mentors to greatly improve teaching, learning levels and retention rates in primary schools, Solukhumbu Region, Nepal.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 9,120

Raised from 3,325 people