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Project report

Improve teacher training and education in Nepal Nepal , RUN BY: Australian Himalayan Foundation | STATUS: COMPLETED

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 15,040

Raised from 4,442 people

Project background

Inspired by the outstanding work of Sir Edmund Hillary that continues to benefit the Everest (Khumbu) district of Nepal, the Australian Himalayan Foundation (AHF) launched it’s Teacher Training and Quality Education (TTQE) program in 2005.

The program aims to empower and provide better opportunities for children in poverty through access to a quality, inclusive, and enriching education. The long term goal is to lift the children of Nepal out of poverty.

TTQE came about in response to Nepal’s alarmingly imbalanced literacy rates between urban and rural areas of the region, as well as the little to no training that the teachers receive in rural Nepal. This has led to the children in Nepal being unable to gain the knowledge and skills acquired from having access to a quality education. As a result, children in these remote communities often remain trapped in poverty. 

Project activities

The AHF has delivered the Teacher Training and Quality Education (TTQE) in the remote Solukhumbu region of Nepal since 2005.  The program strives to provide quality, inclusive education toe the children in this region.  AHF works with its NGO partner REED Nepal to continuously improve opportunities through education.

Following an evaluation and project redesign process, 2018/19 was the first year of a new three-year project phase. In this year, REED and the Namuna schools conducted needs assessments to develop plans and milestones across a range of initiatives for a better learning environment, increased parent engagement and improved student retention.

Child Club networks were reactivated and supported to deliver activities on waste management and hygiene awareness.  School Management Committees, Parent Teacher Associations and teachers and students have built knowledge about the importance of education, gender and social inclusion, child safeguarding and literacy that supports the implementation of the Namuna Schools approach.

Teacher capacity has been increased in literacy, early childhood teaching, English, Maths and Science. In addition, children with disabilities are accessing literacy and Namuna school initiatives with the employment and continued support of a teacher who herself is hearing impaired.

Project results

The key achievements in 2018/19 included:

  • 1,553 students (790 girls) at 14 schools accessed improved quality education via TTQE schools
  • 860 children in grades 1-3 were provided with literacy materials
  • 34 children accessed improved nutrition via school meals pilot program
  • 489 very vulnerable children received financial and material assistance to continue schooling
  • 180 students and 60 teachers received orientation in hygiene practices, and new hand washing facilities provided at 7 schools

Project feedback

“Our students have improved their habit of sanitation after being provided with shoe racks and carpet in the room. They are practicing at home as well. Students was their legs and take off their shoes before entering classrooms. The introduction of a book corner has encouraged reading within class hours”.

 Nala Bahadur Rai, Grade 2 teacher Solukhumbu Nepal

What next?

TTQE is an ongoing project based in Solukhumbu Nepal.

Project visits

AHF can make special arrangements for supported visits to projects depending on the current priorities and resources of our NGO partner and the schools at the time.

How was it this funded?

Thanks to hundreds of tiny donations from these online businesses and their customers.

World Nomads USA
World Nomads Canada
Travel Insurance Direct AU
Travel Insurance Direct NZ
World Nomads Australia
World Nomads NZ
World Nomads UK
World Nomads Global
World Nomads Europe
World Nomads Ireland
Australian Himalayan Foundation

Over the years, thousands of travellers have visited the Himalaya. For many it is an opportunity to trek beneath the world's highest peaks and to appreciate some of the world's most hospitable cultures. Yet the Himalaya is not just a vast adventure playground. For the local communities it is anything but easy – with access to basic health and education services often out of reach.

Following in the footsteps of Sir Edmund Hillary who was devoted to bringing education to the Sherpa people, the AHF is working in partnership with local communities to help the people of the Himalaya through improvements in health, education and conservation.

Giving to the AHF is an opportunity to give something back.