2,021,150 people have helped raise more than $5,767,956 for 274 projects

Projects in Australia

The Indigenous Australia Program - Eye Care Workforce Development Initiative RUN BY: The Fred Hollows Foundation

Australia This project supports increased investment in and access to culturally appropriate eye care services for underserved Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, through training and support of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health staff.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 25,003

Raised from 4,489 people

Eliminating trachoma and improving eye health access in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities RUN BY: The Fred Hollows Foundation

Australia Australia is the only developed country to have blinding trachoma. This disease is one of poverty that can be easily avoided through access to clean water, efficient housing, and education.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 25,035

Raised from 4,057 people

Help children affected by bushfires in Australia RUN BY: Save The Children Australia

Australia This project will support 50 children cope with traumatic experiences they had during the Australian fires as well as develop their natural resiliency and strengthen their social support networks.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 22,823

Raised from 6,471 people

Close the gap in eye health for Indigenous Australians RUN BY: The Fred Hollows Foundation

Australia For decades, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have experienced lower health outcomes than non-indigenous Australians. Through this project the Fred Hollows Foundation is committed to tackling significant eye health issues for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 20,002

Raised from 5,701 people

Support family protection in northern Australia RUN BY: Save The Children Australia

Australia The project will look to minimise the risk factors contributing to maltreatment and improve the capacity of parents to care for children in Queensland and the Northern Territory.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 20,006

Raised from 6,439 people

Close the digital divide for youth in Australia RUN BY: Save The Children Australia

Australia This project will address the digital divide facing young people in disadvantaged communities in regional NSW. Locally-run Digital Excellence Hubs deliver digital training and support services to support educational and employment pathways.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,011

Raised from 8,582 people

Educate Disadvantaged Youth Communities in Australia RUN BY: Save The Children Australia

Australia This project will work intensively with at-risk young people to increase their employability. The Youth Advisory Committee will support youth community projects and local youth advocacy.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,026

Raised from 9,008 people

Prepare Refugee Children for School in Australia RUN BY: Save The Children Australia

Australia This project aims to support newly arrived humanitarian families and help them settle into their new life in Australia, with a focus on supporting multicultural playgroups for children from migrant backgrounds to prepare them for school.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,054

Raised from 9,988 people

Deliver Eye Care to Remote Indigenous Communities RUN BY: The Fred Hollows Foundation

Australia This project will be working to improve the quality, quantity and delivery of eye health services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in regional and remote Western Australia.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 20,028

Raised from 6,747 people

Increase Access to Eye Care for Indigenous Australians RUN BY: The Fred Hollows Foundation

Australia This project will work to deliver expanded outreach ophthalmology visits across the Top End of the Northern Territory to alleviate the burden of avoidable blindness on remote Indigenous communities.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 20,091

Raised from 6,568 people

Restoring Sight in Indigenous Australia RUN BY: The Fred Hollows Foundation

Australia Your contribution will help The Fred Hollows Foundation end avoidable blindness and improve the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 20,017

Raised from 5,991 people

Improving Sight for Indigenous Australians RUN BY: The Fred Hollows Foundation

Australia To deliver expanded outreach ophthalmology visits across the Top End of the NT to alleviate the burden of avoidable blindness and eye health problems in remote Indigenous communities.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 25,065

Raised from 7,534 people

Restoring sight to Indigenous Australians, NT RUN BY: The Fred Hollows Foundation

Australia Trachoma is a severely painful disease and the largest infectious cause of blindness in the world. This major project runs over several years and aims to eliminate trachoma in 10 Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory through a treatment strategy called S.A.F.E: Surgery, Antibiotics, Face washing, Environment.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,026

Raised from 7,403 people

Restoring sight to Indigenous Australians, NT RUN BY: The Fred Hollows Foundation

Australia Trachoma is a severely painful disease and the largest infectious cause of blindness in the world. This major project runs over several years and aims to eliminate trachoma in 10 Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory through a treatment strategy called S.A.F.E: Surgery, Antibiotics, Face washing, Environment.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 25,007

Raised from 9,444 people

Restoring sight to Indigenous Australians, NT RUN BY: The Fred Hollows Foundation

Australia Trachoma is a severely painful disease and the largest infectious cause of blindness in the world. This project aims to eliminate trachoma in 10 Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory through a treatment strategy called S.A.F.E: Surgery, Antibiotics, Face washing, Environment.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 25,000

Raised from 11,161 people

Marine rescue project, East Arnhem Land Northern Australia RUN BY: World Expeditions

Australia Restoring sea country with Yolngu Aboriginal rangers in East Arnhem Land by removing and cataloging debris, the by-product of South East Asia’s fishing industry.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 6,003

Raised from 2,583 people

Indigenous childhood anaemia, Northern Territory RUN BY: The Fred Hollows Foundation

Australia The Fred Hollows “Sprinkles” program addresses the serious issue of early childhood anaemia by providing an easy to use dietary supplement that will significantly improve the health outcomes of Indigenous children.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 42,804

Raised from 19,255 people

Indigenous youth health program, Kununurra RUN BY: Save The Children Australia

Australia Informal mentoring and training activities for young Indigenous people aged 10-18 in Kununurra and surrounding communities that focuses on increasing young people’s motivation and ability to make positive life choices, through a range of activities in order to improve long-term health outcomes.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 32,764

Raised from 14,092 people

Indigenous youth health program, East Kimberley RUN BY: Save The Children Australia

Australia Running educational workshops & mentoring for indigenous kids 12-19 years to improve self esteem and increase long term positive health outcomes in Kunnunurra, East Kimberly region.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,362

Raised from 11,700 people

Indigenous Education program, Katherine RUN BY: The Fred Hollows Foundation

Australia Improve health outcomes by facilitating learning and literacy opportunities through music. The project will provide musical instruments/equipment for an after-hours music program for remote Indigenous youth.

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 18,002

Raised from 7,022 people