2,023,638 people have helped raise more than $5,785,345 for 274 projects

Project report

Classroom resources, Kumaon village schools India , RUN BY: People's Environmental Awareness - Khati | STATUS: COMPLETED

Computer class - Khati: Grade 6 students

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 5,352

Raised from 2,166 people

Project Overview

PeAk is a small organisation striving to improve primary school education and implementing solar/alternative technologies in the Kumaon Himalayan region (India). In 2013 peAk, funded by the World Nomads Footprints program, provided educational resources in the area. 

This project supplied the Khati ‘library’ - that educates approximately 55 primary school age children - with ample educational resources, provided for a community teacher and ensured that the twenty two children at Jatoli School (7km from Khati) have the educational resources necessary for the entire school year.

Furthermore, finances enabled the purchase of computers, printer and laminator for student and general community use.

This multi-faceted project required the usual patience and perseverance, though unlike prior projects, the actual implementation phase was the relatively easy part with the purchase phase proving time consuming. All items required came from as far a field as Australia, Delhi, Almora and Bageshwar (India), with the majority of purchases occurring in the latter two towns, thereby helping local economies. Some transactions - which were innumerable- required a cup of tea and a chat (a given) which makes business a pleasurable affair.

The overall success and subsequent educational outcomes have been exceptional. 

Photo: Jatoli primary school 2014 with their new school satchels

Tangible Project Outcomes

  • Improved school attendance rates and educational outcomes through the employment of a community teacher to bring new skills and ideas to the class room.
  • Provided a 12 month supply of educational resources – school satchels, pencil cases, pens, pencils, exercise books etc - for the 22 children enrolled at Jatoli school.
  • Endowed the Khati ‘library’ (school attendance of 55 children) with stationary, educational games, creative materials, culturally appropriate children’s books and teaching resources. peAk envisages some items will be in use for years to come.
  • Supplied Khati children with intellectually stimulating educational games and resources and enabled a skill base to enhance overall long term educational outcomes.
  • Introduced a Buchari (metal stove with flue for smoke extraction) to improve school attendance during the harsh Himalayan winter season.
  • Added a new 75Watt solar panel to the solar array to charge school/community equipment.
  • peAk has enabled computer literacy classes - a necessary skill base to engage with 21st century India – for the children of Khati with the introduction of 2 laptop computers, associated software and appropriate educational DVD’s. And have recently been approached by community members to introduce adult computer literacy classes.
  • Provided for community use of computers, printer and laminator which are housed in the peAk building for ease of access.
  • The Epson L210 printer has enabled low cost printing for educational resources for use in both Khati and Jatoli.
  • Purchased a laminator that enables the creation of vital documentation, for example: Birth Certificates.

Photo: Khati ‘library’ Winter 2014: testing the buchari stove

Photo: Khati: Nirmala & a new set of blocks - Grade 1.

How was it this funded?

Thanks to hundreds of tiny donations from these online businesses and their customers.

World Nomads Canada
***World Nomads UK

peAk is a grassroots organisation supporting sustainable local change in remote Kumaon villages through educational, water & solar home lighting projects.