2,023,641 people have helped raise more than $5,785,373 for 274 projects

Project report

School equipment, Xom Van Village Primary Viet Nam , RUN BY: World Expeditions | STATUS: COMPLETED

Kids at the school playing on the new outdoor equipment

This project is 100% Funded



USD 2,001

Raised from 880 people


This 25 minute documentary film was made by Trent O'Donnell for the Positive Footprints series about his experience on this project. Join 11 travellers as they toil against time, the elements and tragedy to help build a new classroom and deliver much needed school supplies for the students at Xo village, high in the remote Mai Chau Highlands of Vietnam.

Positive Footprints - Vietnam from WorldNomads on Vimeo.

Final project Report

On the back of the classroom renovations that were carried out by a World Expeditions group in Dec 07, Footprints provided funding for new learning materials that would enhance the new environment and help improve the quality of education. The purchases included:

  • Outdoor play toys including a slide, see-saw and rocking horse
  • Small kitchen and doctor toy sets
  • Bookshelf, plastic tables and chairs
  • Kitchen Equipment including kettles, bowl, spoons, cookers
  • Blankets and Standing fans
  • Children’s backpacks
  • Nutritional supplements for one-year

Project Outcomes

The renovation work to the classrooms will ensure that the children will have a clean and sturdy kindergarten in which to learn.

Some equipment purchased will allow teacher to keep the school cooler in hot weather (fans) and also keep children warm in cooler weather (blankets).

The toys enable play-based learning and create an enjoyable, comfortable environment.

The nutritional supplements will assist with the children’s health.

Since the local community was involved in the project they will take ownership of the building and ensure it is well maintained. The community thoroughly enjoyed working with the World Expeditions group and provided a wonderful “gala dinner” complete with a traditional local performance for them on the last days.

Project Challenges

The worst strom in 50 years - Typhoon Lekima - passed through the area a couple of weeks before the project started and meant delays with equipment and additional transport and labour costs. The classroom renovations were not finished by the time the World Expeditions group departed but were finished a few days later by the local community. The equipment funded by Footprints arrived when the renovations were complete.

(Update posted 24 January 07)

How was it this funded?

Thanks to hundreds of tiny donations from these online businesses and their customers.

World Nomads USA
World Nomads Canada
***World Nomads UK
World Expeditions

World Expeditions is one of the world’s original adventure travel companies. They have earned an impeccable reputation through the unique experiences they provide in the field, through an environmental philosophy of minimal impact travel, and for the special quality of giving something back to the communities visited.  Footprints partners with World Expeditions' on selected community travel projects to provide funding for materials.