Project Background
In Bangladesh today, poverty is deep and widespread; almost half of the population lives on less than one dollar per day. We view all our work in Bangladesh through the lens of making communities more resilient and enhancing the leadership contribution made by women.
The poverty rate in Bangladesh remains high and inequality is increasing.
As one of the most densely populated countries in the world — with a large population that relies on the land to survive — climate change is a real threat to the people of Bangladesh. As the land degrades, families are unable to produce enough food to sell for income or to feed themselves.
The impacts are far-reaching. Overcrowding deepens the persistent problems of poverty like unemployment and inadequate housing — but for many, there is no choice but to move to a densely populated area in search of a livelihood.
The issue of inequality across gender, ethnicity and regional divides also contributes to poverty. Without proper support, marginalised people are unable to assert their basic human rights, access essential services or contribute to society. Oxfam are in Bangladesh empowering people to make a change and addressing the slow and rapid onset of climate change.
Project Overview
Disaster risk reduction:
Women and men from vulnerable communities have been organised to build community resilience to disasters and climatic shocks. 286 women and men have received training on various topics including climate change and disaster risk reduction.
They applied their skills and knowledge on disaster preparedness planning in May this year, when Cyclone Roanu hit the coastal area of Bangladesh. 203 individuals, comprising men, women and young people, played a significant role in rescuing members of the community. They built awareness through door to door visits and community meetings which contributed in minimizing life loss and asset loss in the locality.
Sustainable income and employment:
The economic engagement of women has contributed to raise their voices in the community and their opinions are valued within household decision making processes. Despite social barriers, women have become connected with markets, both as purchasers of raw materials and sellers of their respective products.
Workshops with local buyers, the private sector, input sellers and service providers have helped increase production quality, quantity and price, and increase the income of beneficiaries. Additionally, workshops with financial service providers and microfinance institutes contributed to increase women’s access to capital, resulting in an increase of access to formal credit. Women who received support in capital also accessed business management counselling.
The JOYEETA award is a recognition granted by the government to successful women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh. 13 women in this program have received the JOYEETA award for their success and economic leadership in rural communities.
Women's empowerment and reducing violence against women:
Over 130,000 women (including teenagers) have been supported through informal gathering sessions and have become change agents to reduce violence against women. 972 women received training on Gender and women’s rights all over the country.
The project team organized 147 meetings to raise awareness of the impact of violence against women in families, the importance of women’s participation in decision makings and other issues. A total of 3,444 men attended. 369 women and adolescent boys and girls visited high schools, colleges and community based organizations and learnt and shared their experiences to stop violence against women. These visits strengthen networking and create social support systems to collectively support women and young people. 53,851 people joined the awareness raising campaign activities from community to national level. All these activities highlighted the issues of violence against women including harmful cultural practices and truly contributing to create an enabling environment for ensuring gender justice.
Key Project Outcomes
Direct beneficiaries:

Indirect beneficiaries:

- The program has specifically contributed to changing communities’ and local governments’ ability to anticipate possible impacts of climate change and disasters and take appropriate measures.
- Communities are now able to understand their exposure to hazards e.g. flooding, cyclones etc., and the strength of social capital like community organisations, volunteer services etc. They also identified their internal capacities and external opportunities for reducing economic shocks. This is all contributes to building community resilience and disaster risk reduction.
- Participation in the local government planning process resulted in the inclusion of marginal women, disabled people and other vulnerable groups.
- Economic empowerment has also contributed to the social empowerment of women: through participation in economic activities, women have been able to enhance their income and gain control over productive assets. This has increased their participation in household and community level decisions.

Lessons Learned
- Engagement of men in household care work, positive attitude, technical support, access to finance and proper communication with market actors creates enabling environment for women entrepreneurs, which helps them grow their business.
- Search and rescue training is very effective, which has been proved in the recent disaster, Cyclone Roanu. Training should be provided to more individuals.
- Creating networking space and strengthening communication with service providers creates new opportunities for obtaining support from them and also enhances leadership skills of women.
- Capacity building training on financial management for community and producer groups adds value in proper trade management, profit and loss calculations etc.
- Youth engagement may bring about quick and sustainable change at the community level as young people act as change agents.
- It is imperative to involve men in efforts to improve women’s socioeconomic status. It’s also critical to address underlying traditional expectations and structures that lead to their actions, as well as help men and boys to understand how they can benefit from changing their behaviour.

Jesmin Atker (30) lives in Musapur village of Sandwip upazilla (sub-district)
Case Study: Jesmin Atker
Jesmin Akter (30) lives in Musapur village of Sandwip upazilla (sub-district). Her dream was to complete her education and work for society. She dreamt of getting married after being established in society. But due to family hardship, she wasn’t able to appear for her school ending examination.
In 2007 she got married but was compelled to divorce her husband in 2010 as her husband and in-laws started mentally and physically abusing her. She returned to her parent’s house and started earning an income by stitching clothes. She became the president of Padma, a community organisation in Musapur.
She received leadership training and attended several local district events. As president, she started regular communication with the local union council. Her access and rapport with the union council helped her become a member of the union council standing committee on finance and budgeting.
Through a meeting group in her community, she contributed in stopping 5 cases of domestic violence in her area. She was also successful in stopping an incident of early marriage. Her trustworthiness and popularity in the area helped her get a job as the Union council secretary.
She is now a known face in four unions of the upazilla. She was also awarded the “Joyeeta” prize this year for her contribution as a female entrepreneur. She is now known as a ‘women leader’ in the community.
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Project Background
In Bangladesh today, poverty is deep and widespread; almost half of the population lives on less than one dollar per day. We view all our work in Bangladesh through the lens of making communities more resilient and enhancing the leadership contribution made by women.
The poverty rate in Bangladesh remains high and inequality is increasing.
As one of the most densely populated countries in the world — with a large population that relies on the land to survive — climate change is a real threat to the people of Bangladesh. As the land degrades, families are unable to produce enough food to sell for income or to feed themselves.
The impacts are far-reaching. Overcrowding deepens the persistent problems of poverty like unemployment and inadequate housing — but for many, there is no choice but to move to a densely populated area in search of a livelihood.
The issue of inequality across gender, ethnicity and regional divides also contributes to poverty. Without proper support, marginalised people are unable to assert their basic human rights, access essential services or contribute to society. Oxfam are in Bangladesh empowering people to make a change and addressing the slow and rapid onset of climate change.
About the Project
The Bangladesh Resilience through Economic Empowerment, Climate Adaptation, Leadership and Learning project aims to strengthen community resilience to prepare and respond to the risks associated with disasters and climate change by fostering economic empowerment, inclusive leadership and disaster preparedness.
Its geographic focus is in Northern Char, which tends to be affected by annual floods, Haor (in Kishorganj and Netrokona, two low lying river basin areas), and coastal regions, where high tidal surges, cyclones, floods and droughts are frequent.
The project includes the following components:
- Livelihoods: Supporting communities to develop climate- resilient livelihood strategies by diversifying their land use and incomes, including through agriculture, livestock, aquaculture, market linkages, savings, micro finance, entrepreneurship and non-agricultural occupations.
- Women’s leadership: Supporting women to engage in decision-making on climate change adaptation, disaster preparedness and economic empowerment.
- Climate Change Adaptation and Risk Reduction: Supporting communities to implement disaster risk reduction strategies to reduce impacts of natural disasters; strengthen their preparedness for natural disasters; build the capacity of Disaster Management Committees; and enhance knowledge of climate variability and early warning and action systems.
- Active citizenship: Supporting communities to actively engage with decision-makers in order to address the underlying causes of vulnerability such as poor governance, gender-based inequality, resource over-use and limited access to basic services; and to influence policies by working with governments on global climate change negotiations and utilisation of climate change funds.

Project Objectives
The project aims to create resilient communities in the most disaster vulnerable regions of the country. Oxfam and its local partners are working to support the development of skills of people in the community so that they can adopt sustainable income generating activities, develop disaster risk reduction strategies and practice active citizenship that would enable them to cope with the negative impacts of climate change. Oxfam and its local partners are also working to promote equitable relationships between men and women with a strong social mobilization on preventing violence against women.
- To develop a replicable model of resilient community in three agro-ecological zones and linking with urban settings
- To enhance and strengthen the livelihoods of targeted communities in changing climate
- To develop community leadership, especially of women, ensuring access to and control over resources, services and opportunities
- To strengthen collective and individual actions toward fulfilment of rights and entitlements of vulnerable households and promote transformational leadership of women and marginalized
Firstly, the project will develop the capacity of community-based organisations to anticipate and respond to disasters and to the impacts of climate change. Secondly, it will contribute to improved livelihoods for women and men through capacity development and by fostering links with market places. Thirdly, it will support effective and pro-poor implementation of policy and legal frameworks related to agriculture, disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and natural resource management. Finally, it will support women’s leadership.
The project will enhance communities’ capacity to withstand disasters by providing information and training and by strengthening community-based organisations. It will develop small-scale mitigation initiatives to strengthen vulnerable people’s livelihoods, such as income generating activities, business and market training, and linkages with existing businesses, such as poultry, chilli and milk traders. The project also focuses on increasing the awareness and accountability of local government institutions to protect the entitlements of women and marginalised people, by developing partnerships between government and civil society organisations.
The formation of women’s groups and women producers’ groups and the inclusion of women in decision making bodies such as the committees will foster an environment conducive to women’s leadership and empowerment, and to gender equality more broadly. Through various interventions like in-depth gender training, open dialogue and interaction with services providers, the project will create an enabling environment where women can become agents of change in society, practicing leadership at all levels (family, community, government, schools and the market) and in all domains (economic, social, political, cultural).
Total number of direct beneficiaries expected: 62,378
Total number of indirect beneficiaries expected: 234,680
Joygun’s Story
Poor communities living on river islands in Bangladesh are particularly vulnerable to floods. Oxfam is helping them to earn a basic living through chilli farming and making sure they’re prepared for future disasters.
“It’s difficult during the floods. We can’t move around from house to house. We can’t eat. We can’t go to market. Our cattle suffer. Our children get diarrhoea and other diseases ... they can’t drink the polluted water, they can’t go to school. We eat less when there is a flood. ... Some days we only have one meal.
“Since we’ve been growing chillies we’ve been suffering less during the flood. We sell them and we can save money ... I can use [the money] to spend on food and clothes for my children, and also on school for my daughter. The money goes towards the family and eating better food.
“For about one year I’ve been receiving training from Oxfam ... I've learnt how to plant the seeds, how to pick chillies, how to dry chillies on [a] tarpaulin ... Since the training, I cultivate my land properly.
“We learned about disaster, to store dry food and important papers. I raise the cattle shed. We raise the level of our house. Keep dry wood high up. I make and store a portable cooker. I gradually save money for when the flood comes. I know now that I don't have to suffer during the floods.”