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Project report

Bringing safe water to schools in Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea , RUN BY: WaterAid Australia | STATUS: COMPLETED

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 28,004

Raised from 9,901 people

Project Background

Thank you for the vital role you are playing in helping to transform the lives of students in Papua New Guinea. Our schools program in Papua New Guinea provides safe water, sanitation and hygiene to children, ensuring some of the very poorest children in Papua New Guinea have a better chance of achieving their ambitions.

Access to clean drinking water and sanitation is an issue for over half of Papua New Guinea's population, many of whom live in re-mote, rural locations that are hard to reach with essential services.

There is low access to education in rural areas, and a widespread lack of understanding about the importance of toilets and basic hygiene practices to health. Diarrhoeal diseases are common.

Our work with schools helps to ensure students and teachers have water points and basic toilets, allowing them to focus on their school work. We also promote the need for hand washing and good menstrual hygiene practices.

Project Overview

One of the rural schools we worked in was Kouderika Primary School. Kouderika Primary School is a school in the Central Prov-ince of Papua New Guinea with 200 students. The school only had one toilet, so the students had to use the bush or village beach for defecation. With nowhere safe and clean to go to the toilet, these children were exposed to disease, lack of privacy and embarrassment.

Improvements in water, sanitation and hygiene can lead to in-creased school attendance and performance due to healthier students. Additionally, if private toilets and shower facilities are installed, more girls will stay in school. 

This is because a lack of toilet facilities creates a particular problem for menstruating girls, who often skip school or drop out altogether. 

Thanks to supporters like you and the hard work and expertise of our team on the ground, all the pupils and teachers at Kouderika Primary School have clean water and safe and private sanitation facilities for the very first time. 

The new facilities have transformed the health and education of the pupils, and made the school a much cleaner and safer environment in which to learn. As a result, these children have a real opportunity to achieve their potential, and in time will contribute to the growth and development of their community and country.

Key Project Outcomes

Toilet Blocks

Three permanent toilets were constructed and one female shower room was constructed for the primary school. The school now has four toilets.

Drinking water and hand washing facilities

Rainwater supply systems were installed along with hand washing facilities. Access to drinking water and hand washing facilities allow children to keep clean, healthy and hydrated.

Hygiene education

Staff and students participated in a workshop to talk about hygiene practices. Improving hygiene behaviour is vital for the full benefits of access to water and sanitation to be realised.

Project Partners

Our partner for this project was local NGO Anglicare PNG. We invest in our local partner organisations to help them deliver project work. We typically provide financial support, training and technical advice as well as help with planning, budgeting and institutional development.

What next?

Our local partner intends to use the positive results at Kouderika Primary School to show other schools the improvements that can be made in the lives of students when safe toilets and water supply systems are installed. They also intend to use the results to motivate staff and students to take care of their water, sanitation and hygiene facilities.

Can I visit this project?

Due to the nature of the project, not at this time.

How was it this funded?

Thanks to hundreds of tiny donations from these online businesses and their customers.

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WaterAid Australia

Over 650 million people in the world don’t have access to safe, clean water to drink, and over two billion don’t have sanitation. WaterAid Australia is an international NGO dedicated exclusively to the provision of safe domestic water, sanitation and hygiene education to the world’s poorest people.