Project objectives
- Provide life-saving food intervention (general food distribution) to 78,323 internally displaced persons (IDPs) affected by the conflict up to end of September 2014
- Prevent incidence of acute malnutrition among 15,870 under 5 years, pregnant and lactating mothers, IDPs
Background into the current situation
Between July and November 2011, most areas of South Sudan were faced with acute hunger and food insecurity, causing people to flee their homes in the thousands. Since then, many people have returned from refugee camps and camps for internally displaced people, however food supplies are still limited and there is not enough to meet the demands of the returning population. Often, people are returning home to find their crops destroyed, livestock dead or missing, and cooking utensils and other household items gone.
In addition, approximately 90% percent of South Sudanese households depend on crop farming, animal husbandry, fishing or forestry for their livelihoods, but productivity across all these sectors is minimal. As a result, it is estimated that 4.1 million people currently do not have enough food to eat, with one million of these people particularly vulnerable.

Plan International is distributing 150 metric tonnes of food rations consisting of vegetable oil, sorghum, beans, and salt to help families displaced by the violence.
What is Plan doing?
School Children
This project aims to help the most vulnerable households and school children to access food aid and support to sustain their livelihoods.
To achieve this, we are:
- providing students in Eastern Equatoria and Jonglei with school meals, helping students to concentrate on their school work throughout the day
- providing girls with take home rations each month, which encourages their parents to send them to school
- supporting schools to establish vegetable gardens which students can help to maintain so that they have an ongoing source of nutritional food
Returned Refugees
In partnership with the UN World Food Program (WFP):
- Food aid is being provided to returnees to the country, internally displaced people (IDPs) and other vulnerable people to help restore their food security and fulfil their nutrition needs.
- We are providing blankets, utensils and other non-food items to IDPs affected by ethnic conflict through our partnership with the International Office of Migration.
- As part of our partnerships with the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the United Nations Development Program the distribution of seeds, tools, fishing equipment and cash transfers is being supported to ensure early livelihoods recovery for communities affected by conflict and natural disasters.
The Community
With support from the United Nations Development Organisation we are encouraging peace in the community amongst youth from various ethnic groups through the construction of community centres. It offers a place for the youth to come together to discuss issues, learn alternative skills such as carpentry and mechanics and play sports to help reduce tension in the community.
In addition, to this we are also rehabilitating hand pumps and boreholes in Eastern Equatorial and Central Equatorial, as well as involving returnees and other vulnerable people in hygiene promotion activities in communities, such as training on hand washing with soap.
This project is is part of a larger program to help Plan feed children and will cover costs for food, training, monitoring, storing and evaluation.