2,023,635 people have helped raise more than $5,785,322 for 274 projects

Project report

Feeding Families in South Sudan South Sudan , RUN BY: Plan International Australia | STATUS: COMPLETED

This project is 100% Funded



AUD 30,001

Raised from 22,638 people

Project Impact

  • In partnership with the UN World Food Program (WFP) food aid was provided to over 1,954,249 internally displaced people (IDPs) and other vulnerable people.  
  • Plan supported malnourished children under the age of 5 years as well as pregnant and lactating women in Awerial through Targeted Supplementary Feeding and Blanket Supplementary Feeding programs.
  • Screening of nutritional status of children under 5 went on regularly. Cases of severe malnutrition were referred to partner organisations for treatment.
  • Plan established a nutrition centres in Mingkaman IDP camp to look after malnourished people as they wait to receive nutritional food that included Plumpy Sup (a ready-to-use food supplement) and Milk Fortified Corn-Soy Blend.
  • Plan also provided 800 cups for 50 schools in to IDPs affected areats. Two sport materials kits distributed to 2 schools in Eastern Equatorial  
  • 33,814 children participated in the Food for Education program where Plan provided students in Eastern Equatoria and Jonglei with school meals. This enabled students to concentrate on their school work throughout the day as opposed to feeling constantly hungry.
  • In total 9,960.98 Metric Tons of food was distributed over the calendar year.
  • Rehabilitating hand pumps and boreholes in Eastern Equatorial and Central Equatorial, as well as involving returnees and other vulnerable people in hygiene promotion activities in communities, such as training on hand washing with soap.

Water supply

  • 20 new wells and hand pumps – supporting 19,258 people
  • 11 existing boreholes rehabilitated – supporting 8204 people
  • Provision of water purification tablets to 71747 people
  • 40 trained in pump mechanics
  • 100 (69 female & 31 male) trained in water management.

Sanitation – supporting 6050 people

  • 121 emergency latrines constructed
  • 12 latrines rehabilitated
  • 28 emergency bathing shelters
  • 5 solid waste pits constructed
  • 34 hand washing facilities installed

Hygiene promotion

  • 158 (95 female, 63 male) Community hygiene promoters trained and active
  • 10 (6 female / 4 male( Solid waste management committee members trained
  • Health and hygiene education promotion / awareness reaching 92,423 people
  • Provision of Dignity Kits (sanitary pads reusable, underwear, soap, lotion, nail cutters) for 1536 adolescent girls for menstrual hygiene management.

There is still a need for Plan International to provide emergency support to the people of South Sudan.  Plan will assess at the end of December 2015 whether to extend the program.

A Story from South Sudan

Regina heats water to soften dried meat at their home in the village in Eastern Equatoria.  Her husband,  Simon,  relates that he was unable to farm this year due to illness, of which he says, “Alas, it has caused me problems,” leaving himself and his wife and their children in a precarious position. 

Unemployed, he says, “You find any opportunity out there, and you make small money and you buy food for the children. I hustle and I take any small, small jobs I can find. If wasn't sick, I would have been able to farm, and I would have food.” At times, when he cannot find work, he is forced to borrow: "I find somebody who had a good harvest and borrow from them. If I took a bowl, I return a bowl, if I took ten bowls I return 10 bowls."

Simon received sorghum, vegetable and maize seeds to plant during a Plan International distribution. Asked what he will do with his future harvest, he replies, “Why would anyone in their right mind eat everything? You eat some, and you keep some. I will do my best, and whatever God blesses us with we will use it, and we will keep some. But I have no guarantee.”

What's next? 

Over the coming year Plan will:

  • Work with Food and Agriculture (FAO) to distribute seeds, tools, fishing equipment to help communities affected by conflict and natural disasters;
  • Implement emergency response and early recovery activities in partnership with UNDP and other agencies within the current areas of operation;
  • Work with WFP to provide food aid to returnees to the country, internally displaced people (IDPs) and other vulnerable people to help restore their food security and fulfil their nutrition needs.

Can I visit this project?

No. It is not feasible to visit this project.

How was it this funded?

Thanks to hundreds of tiny donations from these online businesses and their customers.

World Nomads USA
World Nomads Canada
***World Nomads UK
World Nomads NZ
Plan International Australia

Put simply, we’re the charity for girls’ equality.

We tackle the root causes of poverty, support communities through crises, campaign for gender equality, and help governments do what’s right for children and particularly for girls. We are a secular organisation with no religious or political affiliations.We believe a better world is possible. An equal world; a world where all children can live happy and healthy lives, and where girls can take their rightful place as equals.

Visit: plan.org.au